Many charities rely on legacy giving as a main source of income. Beams was lucky enough to have our first legacy donation towards our lovely new garden at Beams. The impact of this legacy was huge to our disabled children as they now all enjoy the outside space.
One child, Ruby and her family were first introduced to We Are Beams when Ruby was four years old. They access the Dragon’s Retreat Respite Overnight, holiday play schemes and are in receipt of Direct Payments for Ruby’s Care at home. Ruby is 15 years old, has a diagnosis of Angelman’s Syndrome a genetic disorder that causes development delay, intellectual disability, speech problems, seizures, epilepsy, and problems with movement and balance.
She is such a happy child. She has an excitable personality, is frequently laughing and smiling. There is no cure for Ruby. Therapies will help her reach her development potential.
No one knows what the future will hold for Ruby but you can be sure that
We Are Beams will be at her side to ensure she reaches her full potential, and leads the best life possible.
Just 1% of your money to the charity in your Will as a LEGACY can make a huge difference and means your loved ones receive 99%.
Anyone can choose to do this, and you can decide to leave a fixed amount or whatever money is left once the other gifts in your Will have been given out.
For more details on leaving a lasting legacy, please contact RCN:1054129