A conference on tackling domestic abuse has heard of Dartford Borough Council’s commitment to ending violence against women and girls.

On Monday the #KnowSeeSpeakOut Be Domestic Abuse Aware conference at The Orchard Theatre heard how the Council had earned accreditation from national charity White Ribbon UK, whose mission is to prevent violence against women and girls by addressing its root causes.

Accreditation has been granted less than four months after the following commitment was made at July’s General Assembly of the Council: “To be among the many women and men, supporters, local authorities, organisations, ambassadors, champions and policy makers raising awareness and campaigning to bring about change.”

Since then the Council has created a steering panel, which is chaired by Cllr David Mote and has representatives from across the Council, including its Leadership, Housing and Community Safety teams. A three year action plan is being developed to ensure that the work of the Council is planned and delivered in line with the White Ribbon UK ethos.

Dartford Borough Council organised Monday’s conference as an opportunity to bring partner organisations together and emphasise the shared vision for ending domestic abuse in Kent.

Speakers from DBC, Kent County Council, Kent Police and partners from the North Kent Domestic Abuse Forum gave updates from organisations, along with others from Oasis Domestic Abuse Service, Rising Sun Domestic Violence and Abuse Service and Protection Against Stalking.

Cllr David Mote said: “The ‘Be Domestic Abuse Aware’ conference was a major milestone in the Council’s commitment to contribute to the end of domestic abuse in Kent. As we move forward on this journey we will keep an open dialogue with other organisations, listen to their contributions and introduce their suggestions into the development of the Council’s White Ribbon initiative, both in relation to our communities and staff.”

Useful links on support available from Dartford Borough Council and other organisations is available at https://www.dartford.gov.uk/domestic-violence/domestic-violence-help.