Dartford Living are pleased to announce that the next Dartford Living Live, FREE Networking event for local business and charities, is being held at Dartford Cricket Club on the 28th November 2018 7-9pm.
Once again the event is being sponsored by Wisdom Estates – Dartford and Downton and Ali Associates. Dartford Cricket Club are providing the venue and the catering.
Dartford Living Live is a FREE networking event for local businesses and charities.
After the success of our previous networking events, we hope to build on this to make the latest event even better. It will follow a similar format to the other events, with most of the time available for everyone to network.
We also plan to allow, on the night, a number of business/charities the opportunity to speak about their organisation in front of the networking group. These slots will be allocated on a first come first served basis and have only been opened up to people who attended the previous meeting. If there are still spaces available, then they will be offered out to new businesses/ charities.
As part of the event we will be creating goodie bags and we are inviting businesses and charities to place their flyers, sample products or even just a business card in so that we can all start to build up a network of local businesses that we can start to use. We are not charging anything at all for businesses to include their items in our goodie bag however if businesses can afford it we are asking for a £10 voluntary contribution (not compulsory) to allow us purchase bags and to create the packs.
We are hoping for another great turn out (100+). We have received a lot of great feedback from businesses/charities that attended previous events