Dartford Borough Council has launched its annual St George’s Day parade in style with a video bringing together a collection of local personalities for a stirring reading of the patriotic poem Jerusalem.
The video features business people, sports club members and local town stalwarts in a celebration of England’s national day. The minute-long movie was the brainchild of local community arts and event organisers Cohesion Plus and was filmed at various locations around town. It’s been released to promote this year’s St George’s Day parade which sees up to 600 local schoolchildren and entertainers weave noisily through the town from the Civic Centre to a final celebration at Central Park.
Cohesion Plus Director Gurvinder Sandher said “We’ve loved working with Dartford Council on their St George’s Day parade for many years and it just gets better and better. It’s a wonderful sight and a really happy occasion. This year we have got activities in the town from lunchtime on April 23rd and the parade departs from the Civic Centre at 1.30pm.”
Council Leader Jeremy Kite said “I know that not all councils celebrate St George’s Day with the enthusiasm that we do but we’re proud and delighted to do it. England’s national day isn’t just about recognising our history and heritage but a real celebration of who we are today. Dartford is a vibrant, diverse town and it doesn’t matter whether you are a born and bred Dartfordian or if your life’s journey has brought you to our town. We are part of one big community and we want everyone to be part of our great future. Happy St George’s Day to Dartfordians everywhere.”
The video can be viewed at www.discoverdartford.co.uk/jerusalem