Our next production will be All My Sons by Arthur Miller and will star an award winning cast including Andrew Hogarth, Rhiannon Christina, Dan Pike and Liz Owen(who also directs). It will be our entry into this year’s Kent Drama Festival. Further casting to be announced and details to come…
Further casting announced for All My Sons…
Kieran Williams will play George Deever, Bill Clynshaw will play Jim Bayliss, Coralie Webster will play Sue Bayliss and Alex Mold will play Frank Lubey.
They will appear alongside the already announced Andrew Hogarth as Joe Keller, Liz Owen as Kate Keller, Rhiannon Christina as Ann Deever and Dan Pike as Chris Keller.
The play which brought Miller his first success, is a merciless exposure of wartime profiteering and the capitalist ethic.
The ideological conflict of father and son is a compelling one and points to the way Miller develops in later dramas, such as Death Of A Salesman and A View From The Bridge, where social issues are tempered and tautened by the theme of personal disintegration.

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email: nothrillstheatrecompany@gmail.com
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