Plans for a new secondary school, public open space and a new residential development at Stone Lodge, Dartford.
Have your say on the proposals
Dartford Borough Council is preparing an outline planning application for a new secondary school, public open space and around 120 new homes at Stone Lodge, Dartford. The Local Plan includes the site as a key development site and a suitable location for sports, recreational and residential development within the Ebbsfleet to Stone Priority Area. In addition, a Neighbourhood Plan for Stone Parish is underway.
A draft masterplan or layout for the site has been prepared. Dartford Borough Council is inviting local people to review this in advance of the planning application being submitted.
Consultation event will be held on:
Wednesday 31st January 2018 at Dartford Judo Club (2pm – 7.30pm).
The proposed development
The draft masterplan demonstrates that this site can accommodate a range of community facilities and around 120 new homes providing a mix of house sizes, types and tenures to meet local housing needs.
The main features of the development include;
• A large area of Public Open Space, which will include new paths, signage and seating. The existing Public Right of Way will be diverted and supplemented with new well connected pedestrian
and cycle routes.
• Dark bat corridors will be provided along the south western edge of the development into the central site to facilitate bat movements to foraging areas. Habitat for reptiles will be safeguarded in the north of the site.
• New public car parks will be provided off London Road and Cotton Lane. The size and details of these will be provided at reserved matters stage.
• A 3.2ha site will be developed for an 8 form entry secondary school. All teacher and visitor parking will be on site, as will the school drop-off area. This will be close to the main access point on
London Road. Improved pedestrian and bicycle access to the area also will be provided.
• Both the western development of 1.9ha of land and the eastern development of 1 ha of land will be accessed from London Road.
• Mainly 2 or 2.5 storey family homes are proposed, with some flats, smaller terraced properties and maisonettes, all at a scale and design that is sensitive to the location. Car parking will be on-plot to the local car parking standards.
• A significant proportion of affordable homes for local people at a level to be agreed with the Council. The Council’s target is for up to 30% of all homes to be affordable will be included.
• Financial contributions will be made to improve local highways, if required at the time of development.
Your Views
Dartford Borough Council are keen to hear your views on their proposals for Stone Lodge, Dartford and would be grateful for your feedback which you can return in the following ways:
• Attend our consultation event on Wednesday 31st January 2018. This will be held at Dartford Judo Club between 2pm and 7.30pm.
• Submit your comments online at
• Write to: Lucy Bartley, Amec Foster Wheeler, Gables House, Kenilworth Road, Leamington Spa, CV32 6JX.
• Email comments to
• Telephone: 01926 439116
We would like your comments by Wednesday 21st February 2018.
What happens next?
Once the project team has reviewed your comments and those of other key stakeholders, and once all of the technical supporting studies are complete, we will make any necessary workable amendments to the illustrative masterplan and proposals. This will ensure that all views have been taken into account and positive changes can be made to our proposals prior to the submission of
the planning application. It is anticipated the planning application will be submitted in early March 2018.
Once the application has been submitted, it will be published on the Council’s website for all interested parties to view and there will be a formal opportunity to comment on the application directly to the Council.