Race for Life came to Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School with children enjoying an afternoon of fundraising and fitness.
Children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 walked a mile round the school field, followed by the rest of the school who managed two miles, raising £2026 on the way!
It was all organised by dinner lady Rebecca Casey, who wanted to help raise money for Cancer Research. She said: “Cancer affects many of us, including some of our children’s families. It brings the whole school together and we’ve had a lot of fun walking our miles!”
The school has lost past pupils and staff to cancer and children have suffered family bereavements because of it. Head teacher Mrs Wall is keen for pupils to know about and support a cause which impacts so many of our lives.
Our motto is growing tomorrow’s leaders and young people today are the generation who could see ground-breaking treatments for cancer in their lifetime. They will be the researchers and lifesavers of tomorrow. But first, we need them to be the fundraisers of today – and walk, jog and run to help beat cancer sooner.”
She said: “Sadly, most of us know someone who has been touched by cancer and we all have our special reasons for taking part and wanting to help more people survive. This event has been superb, a great way to raise awareness of cancer and Cancer UK. “We’ve done some exercise, raised money, got together as a community and had a really great afternoon.
“By taking part in the event, they will have an attachment to it in the future, remember that they took part and may want to do it again to raise more money for the charity.”
“Some children have brought photos of people they’re running in memory of which has been very poignant but as we know, it does affect many people.”