Panto favourites and Dartford’s own Simmons and Simmons are promising fun for all the family this
festive season at Orchard West! The father and son comedy double act join Sydnie Christmas (Britain’s got
Talent) in the spellbinding fairytale, Sleeping Beauty from Sat 14 Dec 2024 – Sun 5 Jan 2025.
We caught up with Keith and Ben to find out more:
Welcome Simmons and Simmons! So, Keith and Ben, you’re a father and son duo, right?
Keith: Well, that’s what his mum’s always told me!
Do you enjoy working together?
Ben: We’ve been lucky we’ve always had a naturally sort of stupid relationship with each other. Whenever
we work together, we have a laugh and that just translates onto the stage.
So have you performed in pantomimes as a duo before?
Ben: A few! This year it will be our 20th pantomime together. Actually, it’s my 25 th panto in total, and,
amazingly, it’s Dad’s 55th pantomime!
55 pantomimes! How did you get started, Keith?
Keith: Well, my first pantomime was in 1968. I used to be one of half of the Simmons Brothers with my
brother – now that was a name that took us ages to think up! We had a record out and it failed miserably,
even though Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin) played guitar on the session. So we quickly turned to comedy and
did our first pantomime in 1968 at the Theatre Royal Bath.
My brother and I did 30-odd pantomimes together. Then he decided to go back to his first love of
ventriloquism, so he replaced me with a dummy! After doing three pantos on my own I said to Ben, ‘How
about joining me for another double act?’ and we became Simmons and Simmons – which was another
name that took us ages to come up with!
Has panto changed much since your first show in 1968?
Keith: Just a bit! Mainly the music, because I remember the songs in my first panto, the producer and
director had written all the songs himself. They were all unknown songs and you wondered why they didn’t
go down well with the audience. Now, the kids join in with the pop songs that they know, and it makes such
a difference!
And my first couple of pantomimes all the script was in rhyming couplets. I can even remember the King’s
opening line, ‘So Greetings my loyal subjects. It treats my heart to find that I have subjects like you who are
both loyal and kind.’ I remember that from 1968 and it wasn’t even my part!
Have you spent a lot of time in Dartford before?
Ben: Well, Dad still lives in Dartford! And I lived here for 25-30 years, and went to Dartford Grammar
School. But now I live in Essex but I keep coming back all the time.
Keith: Ben was even born in West Hill Hospital, which doesn’t exist unfortunately here now.
Ben: My first ever professional panto was Babes in the Wood in 1987 at the Orchard Theatre when I was
10, but Dad’s never done a panto here!
Keith: No, this is my first time in panto here. I performed in lots of other shows at the Orchard Theatre, like
with Joe Pasquale, Norman wisdom, Vince Hill… so I’ve done quite a few shows in Dartford.
But you’ve not performed at Orchard West! What do you think of the different venue?
Keith: I just think this place is amazing, it’s incredible!
Ben: It’s funny because I’ve driven past it so many times and not been in. But it’s, it’s quite amazing when
you come in…
Keith: …someone said it’s like the Tardis, and it is, isn’t it?
Ben: Yeah, you don’t realise what an impressive structure it is.
Keith: It’s almost awe inspiring when you go into the auditorium, because you do not expect it – it doesn’t
feel like a temporary structure.
Ben: I’m really excited to be here for Christmas especially as for the last 10 years I’ve always been in
shows very far away from home. When the show is a five-hour journey away, it’s too much to expect people
other than your family to come, and even then, your family begrudges it! So, this year will be good as my
friends can come see it too.
With 80 productions under your belt, what keeps bringing you back to panto?
Keith: I just love pantomime. I fell in love with it in 1968 when I did that very first one. It was the
camaraderie of all the company, but also you knew there were kids coming in and seeing a live show for
the first time. You were introducing them to live theatre, you know? And I still love to hear the hubbub of
them all coming in, it’s a great feeling.
Ben: And I grew up being in dressing rooms watching my dad, so I just got a bug for it. I always knew I
wanted to perform!
As Dad said, panto is some people’s first experience of live theatre. These days with everything accessible
instantly, where you can see any entertainment you want at the touch of a button, live theatre is a totally
different vibe. And the great thing about panto is it appeals to everyone. It encourages families to come
together which is important.
Over the years you’ve done a lot of panto, is Sleeping Beauty one of your favourites?
Ben: Yes! We did Sleeping Beauty about three years ago, and another version a few years before that. It’s
about good against evil, and good is normally what wins at the end. It’s just a good moral story about how
it’s important to be a good person. And that’s what’s great about pantomimes – you know the story, but
every single one is always so different. Someone who saw Sleeping Beauty somewhere last year, can
come and see this one and know it’s going to be a totally different, exciting show.
And finally, what can audiences expect when they see Sleeping Beauty at Orchard West this year?
Ben: I think it’s definitely going to be a funny show, there’s going to be a lot of laughs in it. It’s going to be
big, bold, and exciting!
Keith: And with Sydnie Christmas topping the bill, we know musically it’s going to be phenomenal, because
she is phenomenal! Just amazing!
Sleeping Beauty will have everything you know and love about pantomime, magic and mayhem, fun and
laughter and a happy ever after! Make your dreams come true with a visit to Orchard West this Christmas.
Tickets now on sale at