Dartford Borough Council is supporting Trevithick’s Industrial Dartford’s Steam Rally – a weekend of FREE activities celebrating Dartford’s industrial heritage on Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th May 2018.
Saturday 12th May – Central Park
- 10am: Most vehicle exhibits will be in place
- 10.30am to 4pm: Bus tours (tickets available at the bandstand)
- 11am: ‘Transport in Preservation’ talk in Dartford Library
- 11.30am: Punch & Judy
- 12noon: Miniature Steam Engine Road Run
- 12pm-2pm: Dartford Concert Band on the Bandstand
- 1.30pm: Punch & Judy
- 2.30pm-4pm: Bosville Valley Stompers live on the Bandstand
- 3.30pm: Punch & Judy
Plus: Children’s Fairground Rides * Blacksmith Demonstrations * All types of vintage vehicles * Museum displaying Dartford’s Industrial History * Miniature train rides * Steam fairground organ playing * Show competition for children * Industrial History stalls * Heavy Horses *
Sunday 13th May – Town Centre
- 10.30am-11.30am: Steam Engines and Vintage Vehicles leave Hollands Farm in Hawley Road to drive into town
- 12noon: Vehicles gather in Spital Street/Hythe Street
- 1pm: Mayor of Dartford pays tribute to Richard Trevithick outside the Royal Victoria and Bull Public House
- 1.15pm: Wreath is taken up to St Edmund’s Pleasance, resting place of Richard Trevithick
All vehicles leave to continue their parade around the town
Click here for full details at Dartford Borough Council website