The Wednesday matinee performance of The Play That Goes Wrong at the Orchard Theatre, found the cast  performing to an audience of a fluffier kind. Guide Dogs for the Blind Medway visited the theatre with 4 puppies in  training to be the next generation of guide dogs. Guide Dog trainers, Leslie, Janice, Kathryn, Brian and Sue brought  along Beth, Marcel, Binky and Reef and they couldn’t contain their excitement upon entering the theatre and  meeting each other.

The puppies were taken on stage for their first taste of fame and were greeted by the cast of The Play That Goes  Wrong and began their meeting with a professional demeanour. The puppies took a break from their working day to  enjoy some playtime with the cast and crew.  

In appearance from left to right: 

Lesley Killick, Sean Carey, Edward Howells, Leonard Cook, Janice McCauley (Beth), Damien James, April Hughes, Tom  Babbage, Katie Hitchcock, Kathryn Newby (Marcel left and Binky right) Edi De Melo, Tom Bulpett, Aisha Numah,  Gabriel Paul, Laura Kirkman, Brian Killick (Reef), Sue Langdon. 

Janice from Guide Dogs for the Blind Medway said “What a fabulous show! We had such a great time. We laughed so  much and it was wonderful to be back in the theatre again.”