ellenor hospice, www.ellenor.org, provides the best hospice care and support to families facing terminal illness in Kent. They’re the only charity in the county providing hospice care to people of all ages. Their care includes pain and symptom relief, palliative care, end of life care, respite, bereavement support and emotional and spiritual care. The hospice has just been gifted the land on which its building sits, by the Colyer-Fergusson Trust, www.cfct.org.uk The gift will have an immense impact for the hospice.
The history with the Colyer-Fergusson Trust goes right back to 1991 when the Trust offered the Lions Club a suitable site on which to place the hospice in Gravesend, at peppercorn rent. Thanks to that initial support ellenor was able to be built, opening its doors to care for terminally ill adults and support their families. Since those early days the hospice has grown, and ellenor last year provided hospice care to 2874 local babies, children and adults facing terminal illness, in the home and hospice.
The team at ellenor is absolutely delighted to have been gifted the land on which the building sits. Vikki Harding, Interim Chief Executive says:
“Colyer-Fergusson have always been there, a quiet, valued supporter in the background, so when we heard that as part of their 50th Anniversary celebrations they wanted to sign the land over to ellenor we were surprised and delighted! What a wonderful gift!

The demand for our hospice care is growing. Our population is increasing and people are living longer, often with complex or multiple needs. To meet the growing demand we need to look to expand our services and build for the future. With the land being gifted to us it will enable us to grow and develop the site in confidence, knowing we are rooted, secure in our foundations here in Northfleet. It has been a wonderful partnership over the years and we have been so grateful for all the support they have given.”
ellenor unveilled a commemorative plaque stone in the grounds of the hospice to recognise the gift of the land on 16 May 2019 at midday. They look forward to unveiling this during a celebration with ellenor staff, patients, supporters & Trustees from Colyer-Fergusson.