Bluewater will unveil its ‘Bunny Hop Trail’ on the 30th of March, with families able to search the centre to find the 10 golden eggs on Easter-themed installations that have been dropped by the Easter Bunny on his adventures!
The spring-inspired installations will include a floral hopscotch area, faux vegetable patch and 8-foot-long carrot, along with other Easter-themed motifs.
Guests can pick up a free trail map and a set of bunny ears from the Concierge desk outside M&S on the lower level. Once they have found all 10 golden eggs that the Easter Bunny has dropped in the centre, they can return the completed map to the desk, and collect an Easter-themed treat! The Bunny Hop trail will be open daily from 30th March – 16th April (inclusive).
James Waugh, Centre Director at Bluewater, commented: “We’re delighted to launch our new ‘Bunny Hop Trail’ at the centre – it’s the perfect free activity to keep families entertained this Easter.
“We think the trail will add an extra element of seasonal fun to our guests’ visits, and we are certain it will be a great success.”
Waterstones at Bluewater is also hosting child-friendly activities this Easter break. A storyteller will be reading ‘That’s Not My T-Rex” between 11-12pm on the 4th April, and guests are encouraged to attend wearing their favourite animal or dinosaur costume. To book your free ticket for the storytelling session, please visit:
Meanwhile, Esme Higgs will be holding a signing for her book “The Starlight Stables Gang” on 15th April at 11am. To secure tickets for the signing, please visit Please note there are only 150 tickets available.
On Easter Sunday, Bluewater’s stores will be closed whilst restaurants and leisure facilities remain open. Guests are encouraged to check directly with restaurants and leisure facilities before making their journey to avoid disappointment.